Meet the Animals!

I thought you might want to meet some of the residents of the farm!

Molly (LaMancha Goat)

Baby Daisy (LaMancha/Nubian Cross Goat)
Yolanda Queen of the Barnyard
(Nubian Goat)
Thelma & Louise (Guinea Fowl)
So named because they are always on the run!
Chickens with Thelma & Louise
We have lots of chickens of various breeds.  Currently we have Rhode Island Reds, Red Stars, Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshires, Dominiques & Easter Eggers.  Yep, we have tough time making decisions!
Tiger the Cat
She brought a mostly dead mouse into the kitchen this morning before I even had my coffee.  I hope one day to be able to forgive her.

The Farms’ biggest animal . . .
Why yes, that is paint all over her mouth.  Thanks for asking.  Next time she asks for lipstick I will just go ahead and give her some!

For more stories about our various critters, be sure to check out our “Animals” tab at the top of the page!
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