Reasons for organic gardening

Top 10 Reasons We Garden Organically

 Reasons for organic gardening

 Here are the top 10 reason my family chooses to garden organically!

10.  I want to know exactly what went into (and didn’t go into) my food.
9.  It’s easier than learning all the different chemicals and how to use them.
8.  Until 60 years ago it was just called “farming.”  I’ll take thousands of years of growing knowledge than 60 years of “technology” and “improvements” any day!
7.  They told people Agent Orange was safe…
6.  I need to do something with all our grass clippings and household organic matter.  There is absolutely no reason to throw it in the dump when it could be turned into more food!
5.  It annoys the neighbors that I have a thriving garden when they told me it couldn’t be done!
4.  Who has the money to buy farming chemicals anyway?  Not me.
3.  To prove it can be done.  (See #5)
2.  Because I refuse to knowingly give so much as $1 to the evil Monsanto Monster who think they can put a patent on life!
1.  Because my family’s health is more important to me than fitting in or doing as I’m told!
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