I always strive to provide useful information on this blog, so I thought I would let you know a very important farming fact. It is also a law of physics, I think, but science isn’t really my thing. Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
Therefore, both the cow and I should NOT have tried to both leave the milk room at the same time.
It really is all my fault. I was being a tad lazy last night when I went to milk Beulah. I usually swap into my Muck Boots (affiliate link) when I milk because, aside from keeping the mud off, they are also designed to protect my feet in the event that I get stepped on by a large animal. Well, last night when it was time to milk, I was already wearing my cowgirl boots, (affiliate link) so I just wore them down to the barn.
Big mistake.
When we were finished, Beulah and I both decided to leave at the same time. She stomped on my foot and swiveled to go down the steps of the milk room. She broke my boot-clad pinky toe.
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This little piggy cried wee wee wee! |
This is my second broken toe in the past year. I will say that a broken pinky toe hurts, but it is nothing like the pain when I broke my second toe. I’m getting around a little slower than usual, but I am getting around. I have learned a huge lesson though about wearing proper footwear and using extra caution around large animals. I suppose it was a lesson worth learning.
What about you? Have you ever had a farming related injury?
***This post contains affiliate links. A small percentage of the purchase price of items bought here will go toward keeping this blog up and running and food in Beulah’s bowl, so thanks!***
Poor little piggy! I hope you feel better soon. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures