Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs!

No worries friends, long haired, creepy people are totally encouraged here!

We just seem to have several new signs around here and I thought I would share them with you!  This first one was given to us as a Christmas present.  My mother-in-law made it and it now hangs proudly on our back deck.  Why the back deck?  Well, that’s because everyone just automatically comes to the back door at our house.  It’s just one of those unexplained things, especially since you have to walk through the carport, through a gate and up a flight of stairs to get there, but even first time guests seem to materialize at our back door, and we love it that way!  Because of that, we decided that the back door was the spot of honor here!

We also have an abundance of eggs this time of year, so we decided to go out on a limb and put out an Eggs for Sale sign!  Granted, no one has stopped yet, but it looks pretty cute!  I just take it down if we aren’t home, or don’t have any eggs to sell.

For the egg sign, I just took an old board we had lying around, and conned the children into painting it with 2 coats of purple chalkboard paint that we had leftover from an older project.  That way I can change it out as needed.  Ultimately, I would like to add a second board and make this a double sided “sandwich board” type sign that could sit out front and be read from either direction.  Until then, this will have to do!

So, let me have it!  What other signs should we have around here?

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