Liebster Award!

I’m so honored to have been given a Liebster Blog Award by a fellow blogger (and one heck of a cool young lady) over at Farm Life At It’s Best!  It’s kind of the chain letter of blog awards, but it sounds like a lot of fun, so here goes!
Post 11 Random Facts About Yourself
  1. This should be easy, as Eric claims that I am the most random person he’s ever met, and has requested that I not start ALL of my sentences with “This is random, but …”
  2. I’m an only child.
  3. I occasionally teach swim lessons in my spare time (but I have decided not to do so this summer, as I have no spare time!)
  4. Our family is featured in this month’s edition of the Alabama Farmer’s Co-op newsletter.
  5. I have had 3 C-sections (not by choice!!) and I attempt to warn people against elective C-sections whenever I can.  (Major abdominal surgery isn’t “convenient” people!)
  6. I have severe phobias of several critters that occasionally show up here on the farm.
  7. No, I won’t say what they are, because people find it terribly amusing to try to scare me with them.  It’s mean.
  8. I’m having a terrible time finding a new church since our move, and it’s really making me sad.
  9. The longer I homeschool my children, the more I really wish I had been homeschooled.
  10. I’m a HUGE Jimmy Buffett fan!  (And Garth Brooks, don’t forget Garth!)
  11. We are buying a pop-up camper tonight, but I have no idea how I am going to get away from the farm long enough to use it!
Answer 11 Questions Given to You by Your Nominator
  1. What is your earliest memory?  Probably wondering why I wasn’t allowed to enter the car through the window like Bo and Luke Duke.  
  2. How has your life been different that what you’d imagined?  Well, I’m living on a farm instead of a sailboat, for one thing.  Also, I never expected how much I would dislike being an interior designer.
  3. What was your childhood like?  Wow, that’s a big question.  When I was young, we lived on several acres with cows, goats, a swimming pool and a huge garden (sound familiar?), but when I was 5 or 6, my parents decided we needed a larger house, so we moved to a subdivision.  I never understood why we would move away from such a paradise.  It took me awhile, but I have finally gotten it all back!
  4. Do you have any favorite stories about your kids?  Do you want me to write a book?
  5. How would you describe a perfect day?  Plenty of help doing morning chores.  No one puts their foot in the bucket.  Milk strains quickly.  Temperature stays in the 70s.  Gardening.  Cooking.  Eating.  Then going to the drive-in movies with my family (and not getting eaten my mosquitoes!)
  6. Do you like your job?  I’m a wife, mom, farmer and a blogger.  I could hardly as for a better job.  Yes, I love almost every minute!
  7. Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds?  Mind reading for sure!  I’m already invisible!  For awhile we joked that I should join the CIA.  I would make an awesome spy, because no one ever remembers having met me…
  8. Do you like your handwriting?  Yes, when I take the time to write neatly.  It’s awful when I’m just scribbling notes to myself!
  9. Do you use sarcasm a lot?  Do ducks have webbed feet?  
  10. What is your favorite smell?  Something yummy baking in the oven!
  11. What three possessions can you not live without?  I have really spent a long time thinking about this question, and I can honestly say that stuff is just stuff.  It can be replaced, or you can do without.  It’s people who matter the most.  (But I’m a big fan of my coffee pot, my camo hat and my red lipstick…)
Nominate 11 Bloggers with Less than 100 Followers
  1. Murano Chicken Farm
  2. Sincerely Home
  3. Thoughts From a Daughter of the King
  4. Reduce, Reuse, Renewed
  5. Feed-Sack Cooking & Life at Jamison-Trace Farms
  6. This is harder than I thought, especially because not every blog has this listed.  How about this?  If you have a blog with less than 100 followers, and you want a shout out, leave a comment, and I’ll add you to the list, OK?
11 Random Questions for my Nominees to Answer

  1. Are you married?  If so, how long?
  2. Do you have any children?
  3. What was your favorite game growing up?
  4. Do you consider yourself a serious person, or a goofball?
  5. Do you feel like you have a calling in life?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. What is your favorite movie of all time?
  8. If you could go to any live concert, who would you go see?
  9. What superpower would you like to have?
  10. Describe a pivotal moment in your life.
  11. When was the last time you went on vacation, and where did you go?

5 thoughts on “Liebster Award!”

  1. Thank you for nominating me!!!! It’ll take me a day or so to get my answers and nominations ready, but I will post mine soon.


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