False Labor

OK, this is really a serious question.  Can cows experience false labor?

A couple of weeks ago, my neighbors and I were just sure that Beulah was in labor.  She was going to have her baby any minute ago.

So we waited….

                                           And waited….
                                                                             And waited…..

Nothing happened.

Beulah Belle the Jersey Cow

In fact, less is happening now than before.  When we thought she was in labor before, she had some mucus discharge, (TMI, sorry) she looked visibly uncomfortable.  She was licking her sides and swinging her tail wildly.  She acted restless, getting up and laying back down.

In fact, I even cancelled some appointments and/or had my mom take the children places for me, because she was going to calf any minute.

And still I wait.

I am now not seeing any of the signs from before, so I’m asking in all seriousness, can cows experience false labor?  Also, is there any way of knowing (short of taking her to the vet) when she might actually have this baby?  I’m getting nervous.  What if she doesn’t have it until we go to Ireland?  I mean, I still have awhile, but I’m a worrier.

Silly cow.  Maybe she’s just doing this for the extra attention…

4 thoughts on “False Labor”

  1. do you know when she breed? if you know that date count forward 285 days and that should give a round about figure when your calf is due. hope that helps…. Tracy Bentley

    1. That’s just the trouble. She should have been bred to a Jersey Bull she had been running with when we got her in January, so we’re expecting a baby no later than October. If for some reason she wasn’t bred, she has gotten into the neighbor’s pasture (and his bull has gotten into mine) so I’m sure she’s bred now, but it could be later before a baby comes. 🙁

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