Menu Plan for Sept. 30 – Oct. 6

Menu Plan
Monday:  Fried brown rice with shrimp and homemade egg rolls
Tuesday:  Roasted chicken, homemade bacon mac-n-cheese, roasted broccoli
Wednesday:  Chicken quesadillas with chips and salsa
Thursday:  Field trip day:  Roast in the crock pot (pray for me, I’m terrible at the crock pot!) with rice gravy and carrots
Friday:  Broccoli cheddar soup (with broth made from chicken carcass from earlier in the week) served with homemade rolls or bread
Saturday:  Heading down to the family reunion, dinner out!
Sunday:  Hopefully we’ll be home in time to throw together some sandwiches for dinner!
This week has nothing spectacular, but the kids shouldn’t complain and I will only need a couple of things from the store to make this happen, so I’ll count that as a winner!
What’s on the menu at your house?  Are you starting to switch to fall recipes already?
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