Maple Syrup Review and Giveaway from Mohawk Valley Trading Company and Green Eggs & Goats

Maple Syrup {Review & Giveaway}

Hello there!  I feel like it has been a long time since I sat at the computer to talk to you!  I attended the Food Blog South Conference this weekend and came home with 3 things:  great ideas, a cold, and writer’s block!  Perhaps there are just too many ideas bouncing around my head with the snot.  (TMI?  Sorry, it’s been a long few days…)

Anyway, I figure, what’s better than a giveaway to get things rolling again??  

Maple Syrup Review and Giveaway from Mohawk Valley Trading Company and Green Eggs & Goats
(Don’t worry, the bottle was full when we got it, but the pancakes got to it before my camera did!)

Our friends at Mohawk Valley Trading Company, have provided me a bottle of maple syrup to try and one for a lucky reader!  (Although they provided me with a bottle to try, I have not been monetarily compensated for this review and all opinions are my own!)

 I use a lot of maple syrup around here.  Not only do we love it on pancakes, waffles, and french toast, it is my sweetener of choice for my coffee and I use it in baking a good bit as well!  This is really good syrup!  It is nice and thick, so it really sticks to your pancakes instead of just soaking in, and the maple flavor is and rich and almost buttery.  It’s beautifully sweet, but not too sweet.  It’s good stuff people!
But one lucky reader won’t have to take my word for it, we are giving away one, 32 oz. Glass Bottle of their Grade A, Robust, Dark, Pure Maple Syrup!

Follow these easy steps to enter the Maple Syrup Giveaway!

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25 thoughts on “Maple Syrup {Review & Giveaway}”

  1. Pingback: Maple Syrup Review and Giveaway by Green Eggs & Goats | The Best Maple Syrup

  2. I just subscribed! Okay so I’m a huge maple syrup fan (particularly that made in MA and ME). There’s this sugar shack that I love that makes maple ice cream in the summer. It’s fantastic!!

  3. waffles now but when i was young we lived in west. pa. and did our own syrup we would pour it hot on clean snow yummy

  4. What’s not to love about maple syrup? I love it on fresh pancakes and waffles- but my favorite part is always licking it from my finger after wiping that drip off the side of the bottle! No matter how careful we are, there’s always a drop or two sneaking their way down the bottle!

  5. I am looking forward to getting my first bottle so I can taste the goodness. Maybe my first taste will be pancakes.

  6. First off to top pancakes, but also as a wonderful ingredient in pumpkin and squash fudge. Yum!

  7. I love to use maple syrup in everything! Coffee, tea, baking… my favorite would have to be on my hot cereal!

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