What is a mini-mancha goat?

Goat baby pictures

If you follow us on Facebook, you probably already know that last week was a complete whirlwind.  This week is shaping up to be anything but calm as well!  Last Sunday we introduced pigs to our farm and then on Wednesday, 2 of our goats kidded, to give us the first baby goats of the season.  Of course it was also cold, so we have had to take extra precautions to keep the babies warm, which meant lots of trips to the house with a tote of goats to keep them warm.  Every few hours we would take them back to the barn to see their mamas and have some milk.  It was fun, but exhausting.  

This week, we are expecting more goat kids, a potential winter storm, and to top it all off the interior of our house is being painted!  (I made a valiant effort to doing it myself, but after completing the dining room last year, farm chores once again took over my life, and I found little time to work on it.)

goat baby pictures

Anyway, that’s just a little update on us, but let’s face it, you really just want to see the little stars of the show . . . goat baby pictures!  Oh, and I’ll apologize in advance for the picture quality here.  These were primarily taken in the low light of the barn with my phone, as I didn’t have time to get the big camera.  

3 kids holding 3 kids after Ivy the mini-mancha goat had triplets!

My 3 kids holding Ivy the mini-mancha’s 3 kids.  They were very helpful in getting them warm right after they were born.  

This mini-mancha goat baby might be the cutest thing in the world.

 This little goat baby, “General Custard” was the smallest of the triplets.  He was delivered first and for about 10 minutes we thought Ivy was done.  He was tiny and not very lively, so I was very worried.  Then 2 more babies came out like a log-flume and I went to work drying them off while Savannah cuddled this sweet baby.  She says he is her best friend and we have to constantly tell her to leave the poor baby alone now.  It is too sweet!

 What is a mini-mancha goat?

This is Tesla’s goat baby.  She delivered 2 does in the night, but unfortunately, one of them didn’t make it.  This little girl is happy and healthy though!  Her mama isn’t so sure about her when she comes in smelling like the other babies, but she seems to be getting used to it.  I was worried for a little bit that I would have to bottle feed her, but Tesla finally settled down and let her start nursing again!

bringing baby goats into the house to keep them warmIs there anything cuter than a tote of goats?  Imagine the trouble we had trying to get our school work done with a tote full of goats in our school room!  According the the kids (um, the human kids, that is) there is nothing better than doing school work with a baby goat in your lap.  So sweet!  

I’ll try to keep you updated here on the latest kidding news.  For more up to the minute reports though, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!  I’m trying to be really good about posting on those places!  Also, don’t forget to sign up for Beulah’s moooooosletter where she keeps everyone up to date on the happenings around the farm!  

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