Menu Plan Monday!

This is going to be a busy week here at Green Eggs and Goats!  We have just gotten home from vacation, so I am behind on both indoor and outdoor chores.  We are back to our grind of homeschooling our big girl, driving our boy back and forth to Kindergarten and my youngest monster has decided that she is ready for homeschooling now too!  Of course, we haven’t even thought about Halloween costumes or candy yet!

This week I’ll be using a frugal technique that the Flylady calls “rubber chicken.”  Basically, you stretch 3 meals from one chicken. On the first day I’ll boil and pick the chicken.  Half will go into Tuesday’s Chicken & Dumplins along with half the broth.  The other half will go into the filling for the cute Halloween Quesadillas. (Quick, easy, and the kids will love to help!) The last of the broth will be used in Thursday’s soup! 

Menu Plan Week of October 29-November 4

Meatless Monday 10/29:  Black bean soup topped with sour cream, cheese, and pickled banana peppers, served with homegrown salad and homemade ranch dressing  (Savannah’s request!)
Tuesday 10/30:  Chicken & dumplins 

Wednesday 10/31:  Halloween!  Candy Corn Quesadillas with salad

Thursday 11/1:  Minestra (beans & greens soup) with homemade crusty bread (Erica’s request!  This is literally her favorite soup.  She cried one time with I ate all the leftovers!)

Friday 11/2:  Homemade deep dish pizza night, top your own!  (Lucas’ request!)

Saturday 11/3:  Chicken fried steak with cheese grits, greens and gravy (Yep, all 4 Southern Food groups in one meal:  GRITS, GREENS, GREASE, & GRAVY!  Don’t judge.) 

Sunday 11/4:  Spaghetti & meatballs with sauce that we put up this summer and salad

 I would love to hear other techniques for stretching a buck and getting the most from your ingredients!

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