What the Heck is This?

I’m posting this in honor of Halloween and the fact that we were at “Hogwarts” at Universal Studios a week ago today.  It feels like a lifetime ago already!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The previous owners of our little homestead really had a thing for statuary.  Well, not that much of a thing, I guess because when they moved, they left it all for us.  Yeah.  Some of it is worse than others.  Those pieces have found their way into the trash or onto unsuspecting front porches of friends.  Some of it is actually nice, and that can stay.  One piece we are keeping simply because it amuses us and we have NO idea what the heck it is!

What the heck is this??

We refer to it as “Hogwarts.”  We honestly have no idea what it is.  It looks like it once had blue glass in most of the windows, but that has been broken out.  It weighs a ton and seems to be made of concrete.

 The front door is large enough for a chicken to get in and hide from predators (or hide eggs!)

A closer look (Yes, that is a Lego helmet on the balcony)

So, back to my original question.  Does anyone know what “Hogwarts” is actually for?  If you can identify this oddity, I will be forever in your debt!  Or I’ll send you some jam.  Either way.

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