Homemade Cough Syrup

In honor of the fact that the cold I have been battling has decided to settle into my chest, I thought I would post my tried and true homemade cough syrup recipe today!  Now this isn’t for the kiddies or if you have to drive, but if you are over 21 and staying put, this homemade cough syrup that my dad makes works wonders!

It is very simple and we mix it one glass at a time.  It is equal parts, honey, (you use raw, local honey, right?) lemon juice, and whiskey.  I prefer Scotch or Irish whiskey, but good old American bourbon works just as well.  Use what you have on hand, or you can buy one of the tiny bottles at the store if you don’t ordinarily partake.

I usually mix about an ounce of each.  I pour the honey in a glass and heat for about 10-15 seconds in the microwave, just enough to make it a little more liquid.  Then I add the lemon juice and whiskey and mix well.  If you like, heat the mixture just a bit more to help open up your chest even more.

The honey and lemon will coat and soothe your throat, and the whiskey will relax your throat enough to ease your coughing.  Then again, even if it doesn’t stop your cough, if you drink enough of it, you won’t care that you are coughing!

Give this a try next time you have a cough, and let me know what you think!

**Disclaimer:  I know someone is going to fuss about the whiskey in this, but in my honest (not a doctor) opinion, if you are willing to take narcotic cough syrup by prescription, this is really no different, it just didn’t cost you a co-pay!

Shared on the Clever Chicks Blog HopFarm Girl Friday Blog Fest, and the Backyard Farming Connection


The Chicken Chick

9 thoughts on “Homemade Cough Syrup”

  1. OMG, I thought I was the only one alive still using that…in fact when my son was about a year old he had the croup and the doctor recommended this concoction. I had never heard of it before. He had me give Eric a teaspoonful every couple of hours, it broke up all the congestion in his chest within an hour…some old fashioned remedies work better than modern medicine!

  2. My family has used this for years :o) We always called it a Hot Toddy! It does work, I was always told to take it right before you lay down to sleep for it to work best as a sleep aid also. (Something to do with the whiskey shot, I presume,lol!) Another variation we use is equal parts hot water and whiskey. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Here is another version that works well for us. It tastes just as nasty though!!! Slice one whole onion and put it into a pint canning jar. Cover with honey and leave it on the counter over night. The next morning strain the onions out and then add your equal portions of lemon, honey/onion mixture and whiskey. You can skip the whiskey if you are going to work, driving or giving it to the kiddoes. Give the mixture as 1- 2 tablespoons every 2 hours or so as needed. for an adult. Store it in a dark colored bottle in the fridge and it will last and be readilly available for months! My disabled son gets a bottle of lactulose every month and I save the brown bottles for making my oiwn home made meds. (I throw very little away!) Also your “Hot Toddy” which is what I have always called the honey, lemon and whiskey works even better when it is warm!

  4. Please don’t ever heat raw unpasteurized honey in a microwave. Doing so kills it’s good qualities. Instead, take the time to put some in a small glass partially submerged in very warm water for a little while. <3

  5. My husband has done this all his life (his momma gave it to all the kids back then) His Hot Toddy is warm water, honey, lemon & whiskey. You are right, if you are taking a cough syrup with a narcotic what is the difference in this? Other than it just may be a bit safer to take and you don’t have the co-pay.

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