What the Heck is This, Part 2

What the heck is this?

OK, thanks to my mom, I have an IDEA what this may be, but honestly, I picked it up at the thrift store the other day with no idea whatsoever what it was for.  I liked the color.  I liked the shape.  And at $.69 I liked the price!  I had no idea what it was, but I could certainly see it hanging on my dining room wall when I get it painted (hopefully in January!)  If nothing else, it could be a conversation piece when people come over and I say “so, what do you think this is, anyway?”  I’m weird like that.

It opens up too.  A very strange contraption indeed!

So if you know what this is supposed to be other than an awesome decoration for my wall, please leave me a comment and let me know!

Oh, and while you are at it, the original What the Heck is This still remains unidentified!  Why don’t you give that one a shot too!

4 thoughts on “What the Heck is This, Part 2”

  1. I think it goes on a patio table around the stem of the umbrella. I’ve seen larger ones to hold potted flowers. Is this one to hold salt, pepper and other condiments?

    1. This is close to what my mom suggested. She said it was to hold condiments, but it looks a tad too small to me. Salt and pepper make more sense maybe…

  2. Im not sure of the size but i think you can put those compacted seed feeders for birds inside and hang it up in a tree, the birds hang on to it and peck away at the seed until its all gone. You can buy the refills at places like walmart or mayo garden center. Unless that is just way bigger than what im thinking.

    1. I realized too late that I should have put something in for scale. :-/ It is a little larger than those bird feeders, but not huge. Maybe I could fit two of those feed bricks in there…

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