Holy Mozzarella!

I am having so much fun with this Jersey cow milk, it should be illegal!  Today I made mozzarella and I just wanted to share with you that it is is easy to make if you have the right ingredients!

I was lucky enough that my sweet friend Leanne invited me and some other friends to her house a few years ago for a cheesemaking party!  A delightful time was had by all!  We made fresh mozzarella and then baked the most delicious pizza.  The thing I was most surprised about, though, was not how wonderful the cheese was (I expected that) it was how easy it was to make!

Leanne recommended a cookbook that has become a favorite of mine.  It is called Home Cheese Making and it basically has the information you need to make every cheese, or other dairy product, you can imagine. I quickly ordered the book as well as a mozzarella and ricotta cheesemaking kit.

I am having a blast making cheeses with my fresh goat and cow milk.  I buy my cheesemaking supplies from Ricki the Cheese Queen at New England Cheesemaking Supply Company.  She has everything you need from beginner to someone way beyond my skill level.

She even posts recipes and instructions on her website.  Here is the link to her 30 Minute Mozzarella, which is what I made today.  See?  It’s not hard!  Why not give it a try!

What about you?  Have you ever made cheese?

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7 thoughts on “Holy Mozzarella!”

  1. Wow, it looks great! I always thought making mozzarella was hard, but I guess it’s easier than I thought. I made goat cheese once with some women in my family and was surprised at how easy it was!

  2. My favorite is to make cottage cheese and while it is hanging in the bag to drain I put the whey in a 16 inch stainless steel fry pan and simmer it down to jetoast then I stir that back into the curd. That way the cheese has all the milk except the water. Usually there is enough salt in the whey that no additional is needed and the butterfat that is often lost in the whey gives the cheese a buttery taste.

    The Jerseys at ChristyPaul Farm where I get my raw milk also have pig friends as well as chickens and they like the leftovers even more than the chickens.

  3. Pingback: Raw Milk Recipes & Resources - Ever Growing Farm | Ever Growing Farm

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