Eat Your Greens Week! Day 1: Green Smoothie

Welcome to “Eat Your Greens Week” here at Green Eggs & Goats!  In honor of the fact that I just placed an order for 3 kale trees (also known as Tree Collards) I thought I would spend this week sharing some delicious and painless ways to incorporate greens into your diet!  
Update:  I totally killed the tree collards, but I have every intention of trying them again in my aquaponics system!  Onward!
Today’s is quick and easy.  My whole family is obsessed with green smoothies!  So I thought I would start by sharing how we make them at our house!  
First, you need a sturdy blender to make a good green smoothie.  We have had a Vitamix *affiliate link* for over 5 years now, and we adore it, but I honestly think you could still get a great smoothie out of a less expensive blender.  My mom has a Ninja blender *affiliate link* and says it makes great smoothies!  
Green Smoothie
Look!  My smoothie matches my walls!
Green Smoothie
Green Smoothie
Prep time
Total time
This green smoothie is a fantastic, healthy way to start your morning or pick up your afternoon!
Recipe type: Drink
  • 1-2 bananas
  • 2 big handfuls of dark green leafy veggies such as spinach or kale
  • 1 handful fresh or frozen fruit of choice (strawberries and mango are my favorites!)
  • 2 cups ice water or coconut water
  1. Stuff your blender about half full with healthy dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, chard, collards, whatever you have on hand.
  2. Add one or two bananas - depending on how sweet you like it.  (Tip!  We buy discounted bananas and freeze them for smoothies!)
  3. Add a handful of fresh or frozen fruit.  Anything goes!
  4. Add 2 cups ice water or coconut water (yes, that's a thing, and it's spectacular and super-healthy, think "Nature's Gatorade.")
  5. Blend well.
  6. Enjoy.
  7. Fight with your children over who deserves the biggest glass.
  8. Repeat daily!

***This post contains affiliate links.  That means that a small portion of the purchase price of items bought through these links goes toward keeping this blog up and running and food in Beulah’s bowl, so thanks!***

6 thoughts on “Eat Your Greens Week! Day 1: Green Smoothie”

  1. Pingback: 18 Best Healthy “Real Food” Smoothie Recipes | Natural Family Today

  2. Pingback: 18 Best Healthy “Real Food” Smoothie Recipes | Natural Family Today | Appliance Repair

  3. Pingback: Creamed Chard

  4. Pingback: Crispy Kale and Goat Cheese Rigatoni

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