The Swimming Hole

So what’s a family to do when their pool has only an inch of water in it?  Why we take a step back in time and visit our local “Swimmy Hole,” of course!  This is only a few miles from our house down a picturesque dirt road.  The water is icy, but it is always fun!

First, we have to cross a bridge.  There are no railings.  The first time we crossed it, I literally stopped and said a prayer that it wouldn’t give out while we were on it!  I know now that it is sturdy, but while you cross it is no time for sightseeing!

Rural bridge no railings

Lots of people visit this swimming hole, and it seems to evolve over time.  People move rocks to dam up the deep section, and there are 2 different rope swings, the newest of these even features a launch platform for the drunken rednecks brave souls who are up to the challenge.

Rope Swing
Lucas on the Rope Swing
(No, he didn’t jump from the platform)

Swimming Hole
Look at that crystal clear water!

What a fun adventure for a hot day.  The kids thought we were the coolest for taking them there, and I’m sure they made more memories than they would have just splashing around in our pool.

So, what do you do to stay cool in the summer?  Any family traditions or special places?

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