Honey {Review & Giveaway}

Do you love honey as much as I do?  No, not the stuff from the plastic bear at the supermarket, I mean real honey, just the way the bees made it?  If so, you are going to love this!

mohawk valley honeys


My friends at Mohawk Valley Trading Company were kind enough to send me some of their best honeys to try.  According to them:

Honey has been used by humans since ancient times for its health benefits and a study published by the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, researchers found that buckwheat honey (actually any raw honey) works far better than dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in store-bought cough syrup) at reducing the frequency and severity of coughing episodes for children. Here are a few links to more information about it being more effective than cough syrup as especially for children over one year old:


On a December 2012 episode of his show, Dr. Oz talked about his flu prevention checklist and what supplements can help boost immunity and prevent or shorten the lifespan of the flu, sore throat, and the common cold. With Dr. Oz was special guest Dr. Tasneem Bhatia from the Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine. One of the natural remedy solutions she recommended is taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of buckwheat honey every day.

If you are planning to use honey for its health-benefits, it must be raw honey. Heating honey (pasteurization) destroys the all of the pollen, enzymes, propolis, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and aromatics.

So, armed with all that information, we get to the REALLY important part . . . HOW DOES IT TASTE??

Raw Summer Wildflower Honey:  This was delightfully sweet and fruity tasting.  

Tulip Poplar – Black Locust Honey:  I think this was our favorite of the bunch with a light, almost caramel flavor.

Buckwheat Honey:  Dark and rich with a molasses-type flavor.  This would be delightful on a warm buttered biscuit!

Finally, we were able to taste the comb honey.  This is honey preserved in its most natural state, as it is actually still in the comb that the bees built.  I’m convinced this is one of life’s simple pleasures.  

comb honey

 My favorite way to eat this is to take a tiny slice and spread it on a warm, toasty English muffin, letting the heat of the muffin melt it all together.  Such a treat and SO PRETTY!  My Savannah, in particular adores comb honey, so this will be a special treat for the two of us to share.  

Now, for the fun part!  Because it’s no fair if I’m the only one who gets to taste this delightful honey, our friends at Mohawk Valley Trading Company want to give a lucky reader 3 jars of their delicious honey!  Enter below!

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51 thoughts on “Honey {Review & Giveaway}”

  1. Karen Brann folsom

    I use honey as a sugar substitute and feel it is the BEST sore throat soother ! I would love to try honey from another state. I wonder if it has a different taste due to different native vegetation !

  2. I use raw honey to sweeten my coffee and also add it to plain yogurt that i then top with a bit of fruit. I never was a huge honey fan until I tried it raw and now i love it, even straight out of the jar!!!!!! Last night, i mixed it with some cinnamon to try and ease a cough and lo and behold, it helped tons-YAY! Its sad if there is no honey in the house.

  3. My favorite use for raw honey is to eat it. I don’t know what the medical use is but it always makes me feel better!! If you take a table spoon before bed you won’t feel over hungry in the morning, I read that it has something to do with the glycemic index. I can’t wait to move to the country to raise my own bees.

  4. I take a spoonful of local raw honey everyday for my allergies. I also use it in my tea and for sore throats and coughs.

  5. I use it all the time. 😀 Wouldn’t have one of the “bears” in my house. But my favorite thing to make with it as one of the ingredients is elderberry gummies. Thank you for the opportunity to win this prize. Good luck everyone.

    1. BTW I forgot to tell you how much I enjoy Beulah’s Moooosletters. Always a bright spot in my email.

  6. I have so many favorite uses for honey! One of my favorites is helping with environmental (pollen) allergies- in both the humans and dogs in our household!

  7. I love to use honey with my diabetes is a better sweetener I also love to use it in medicinal purposes, such as honey and cinnamon it helps lower the blood sugars. and I would love to win some money

  8. I love honey in any way! make my own yogurt and use it in that to make it sweet. great way to sweeten tea. etc. etc.

  9. I love raw honey in my homemade yogurt. as well as in tea. oh, and peanut butter and honey is SO good.

  10. I love honey. I will use it for cough syrup and will love eating it on toast, cornbread, and biscuits.
    Hope I win some!Love your blog!

  11. I love me some honey. It helps so much with sore throats, and is a heck of a lot better for you than sugar.

  12. I put honey in my tea, especially if I have a cold or sore throat. But I also use it in my oatmeal, etc.

  13. I love raw honey – I’ll run out before I ever buy store shelf honey. Love it in tea and as a sweet treat by a spoonful.

  14. Honey is my daughter’s Kryptonite! It’s her favorite topping for a biscuit! Actually no one in our family will turn it down. Real honey, of course, is our favorite. I hope I win! 😉

  15. We love honey at our house. When our grandson turned 1 it never left the table. We use it on our baked goods, for sickness and for sweetener. Honey glazed poultry and ham…I have tried it on everything! Yummmmm

  16. I have so many favorite uses for honey, but the best is probably just eating it! (Literally! I’ve been known to eat a teaspoon full from time to time)

  17. jaylyn morehouse

    I think you’ve convinced me to go with raw honey from now on! I buy local, but I am almost certain it has been pasteurized. And I’ve never tried honey comb! Well, I know what I’m buying at the next farmer’s market:) Hope to win!! Thanks

  18. I Think Honey is God’s gift to the world! I want to dehydrate some honey to put up for longterm storage….and eat some, too!

  19. I was on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) for a couple of years and the only sweetener allowed was honey. Ever since, I prefer honey in all my baked goods. I prefer honey over sugar for anything, really; much easier on my digestive system. Thank you for offering a chance to win!

  20. Pingback: Raw Honey Review and Giveaway by Green Eggs & Goats | The Best Maple Syrup

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