Have you ever tried to train a goat to the milk stand before? I’m hear to tell you that is isn’t for the faint of heart! It takes a combination of stubbornness and patience, but if I can do this, YOU can do this!
I’m so excited that I was able to write a guest post for one of my blogging heroes today! Jill from The Prairie Homestead has been kind and welcoming and I’m just thrilled at this opportunity. On my guest post I share my top 9 tips for training a goat to the milk stand.
On a related note . . . You might notice that my milk stand got a fresh coat of paint for the occasion! It was made entirely out of scrap wood, and was a little the worse for the wear, but I think it looks spiffy now! (Everyone paints their milk stands to match their blogs, right? That’s normal.) I also bought a couple of cheap welcome mats to cushion the surface for them. They thanked me in milk.
You can see what it used to look like in my Milk Room Tour post. Quite an improvement if I do say so myself!
So have you ever milked a goat or trained a goat to the stand? Any sage words of advice? Don’t keep it to yourself! Share in the comments!
So, that’s my big news of the week, but I have more news to share Monday, so make sure you check back!
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