Heather Jackson

I am a wife, daughter, mother of 3, homeschooler, homesteader, egg gatherer, cow milker, goat chaser, country girl and having way too much fun blogging about it all! At Green Eggs & Goats, the mission is to glorify God by welcoming those who long for the country life and equipping them with an "I can do it" attitude by sharing my know-how and entertaining them with my stories.

$10 Christmas Challenge: My Progress

Hello!  The last two times I talked about our $10 Christmas Challenge, I showed you my craft room and my thrift store finds.  Saturday two worlds collided!  Eric and the kids were off watching football all day, so I spent the entire day sewing, thrift store shopping, and blaring Christmas music!  It was wonderful!  I got a …

$10 Christmas Challenge: My Progress Read More »

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