Our 2013 Seed Order

Several people have asked me exactly what I have ordered in terms of seeds this year.  I’ll warn you, I went way overboard on the seed order, especially considering that I don’t like starting my own seeds indoors, so everything I ordered is for direct sewing.  I still plan to purchase tomato and pepper plants, and I am trying to grow my sweet potato slips in vases all over the house.  I also have lots of leftover seeds from my fall plantings, so lots of kale, chard, carrots, and other gems.  If you really want to see how overboard I went though, here you go!

From Annie’s Heirloom Seeds, I ordered the following:
Boothby’s Blonde Cucumbers
Cosse Violetta Pole Beans
Cut and Come Again Lettuce Blend
Red Noodle Asparagus Beans
True Red Cranberry Beans (a pole bean for drying)
Guard-N Seed Inoculant (an organic product to increase yields in beans)

Southern Exposure
From Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, I ordered the following:
4 varieties of sunflowers:  Mammoth, Autumn Beauty, Velvet Queen, Selma Suns
Liana Asparagus Beans
Lanco Edamame (Soybeans)
Georgianic Peanuts (Developed at UGA especially for organic farmers!  Of course I had to buy these!  Go Dawgs!)
Dent Corn:  Daymon Morgan’s Kentucky Butcher
Popcorn:  Dynamite 
2 Hybrid (but non GMO!) Sweet Corns:  Early Sunglow for an early harvest and my old standby, Silver Queen (which I know my Grandaddy would approve of!)
Suyo Long cucumbers
Delicious 51 Muskmelon
Dark Green Zucchini
Rouge Vif D’Etampes Pumpkins (Cinderella Pumpkins if you aren’t French!)
Luffa Gourds – I plan to make sponges for us and to sell or use as Chrismas gifts with these!
Quetzali Watermelon
Stone Mountain Watermelon (oh, laser light show, how I miss thee!)
Clemson Spineless Okra
Borage (Erica just loved this when we visited Jones Valley Teaching Farm recently!)
On top of all that, in my package from them I found several things that I did not actually order, specifically, spinach, cliantro (I love it, but I had some) and 5 different varieties of basil!
Don’t forget the Calypso Beans, I saved some seeds from last year!
OK, I’ll be honest, I really, really overdid my order.  I’m freaking out a little just reading that list, but I am excited to start getting some things in the ground as soon as this pesky cold snap goes away!

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