10 Worst Things About Country Life

It’s Top 10 Tuesday again!  Lest anyone think that I paint too rosy a picture about living in the country, I thought I would point out a few bad things about life out here too.  Sorry there’s no picture, I’m WAY over my internet usage limit for the month (see #5!) luckily today is the last day of the month as far as internet goes.  Yeah!  So here you go, the 10 worst things about living in the country!

10 Worst Things About Country Life
  1. It is never as quiet as you think it will be!  Chickens, guineas, cows, goats, coyotes, dogs.  So much for relaxing in the peace and quiet!
  2. There are a lot of mobile homes on my road.  In case you didn’t know, when someone is moving a mobile home, it takes up the WHOLE ROAD, and you only meet these as you go around a sharp curve.  And while I’m complaining about it, they do have a truck with a “wide load” sign that travels with them, but it rides behind the trailer.  Um, thanks for telling me about the danger AFTER it has passed.  That’s helpful.  Not at all.  
  3. Dogs and coyotes bark ALL.  NIGHT.  LONG.
  4. Snakes
  5. Terrible internet service provider options!
  6. Terrible cell phone service.
  7. Frogs everywhere.
  8. Rural towns have tiny libraries.  They are still worth using, but don’t offer the selection you get in the city.
  9. Losing animals is common, but very, very hard.
  10. Snakes.  Yes, I know I said that already, but it bears repeating.  Nearby friends have killed several rattlesnakes in the past week.  That’s enough to rattle me!  Yikes!

10 thoughts on “10 Worst Things About Country Life”

  1. I’m glad you posted some of the “bad” things about country life. Internet service was terrible when we moved here, and it’s tolerable now ten years later. Never going to be DSL.

    We have LOTS of snakes, but no rattlers, thank heavens.

    Tiny libraries… yes, the bane of my existence!

  2. Ellen from Georgia

    I live in the country but don’t think I could find the ten worst things about living in the country. I guess it is because I live in cities and suburban sub-divisions so long and they have plenty of dogs that bark all night.We have four dogs here and two of them are to keep the deer out of the garden and to warn us when anybody comes down the long driveway. I know that most people wouldn’t like or appreciate the country but I love it way out here. I guess our internet is fast enough, only during a bad thunder storm we will lose it for a short time. Here in the country I can have all the chickens, ducks, and a horse a few goats and especially a rooster no problem. Ellen from Georgia

  3. I had to snicker at your list. Of course they’re all accurate but I absolutely LOVE living in the country! The coyotes, owls and various frogs at the pond have a beautiful sound to me, the stars are so much brighter and closer than I’ve ever seen in my life, the chickens keep the snake numbers down and the view out my back door? Breathtaking. Can’t say I ever once found a breathtaking view in the crowded city we moved from. But you’re right, even with all the wonderful things about living in the country there *are* drawbacks… (visiting from The Backyard Farming Connection Hop)

    ~Taylor-Made Ranch~
    Wolfe City, Texas

  4. The crickets on our future homestead are almost deafening at night! It seems they get into a rhythm and sound like sleigh bells (is Santa Coming?) Of course I would much rather hear that than the constant police/fire/ambulance sirens, cars honking, neighbors yelling at their kids, etc.! I know what you mean about the snakes. Yikes! I think one of my biggest problems living out in the country is lack of a decent road to ride my bike – we mostly have dirt and gravel roads with lots of potholes! Thanks for telling your story, it’s refreshing to hear someone saying it like it is!

    1. You are right about the bike riding! And heaven forbid you try to take a walk for exercise. Every person who goes by will stop and ask if you need help and offer a ride! Of course, that’s extremely nice, but sometimes I just wanted the exercise and fresh air! 🙂

  5. Thrilled to read your list. Fortunately, our library is surprisingly well-staffed and well-stocked and will “order” anything they don’t have. I agree about the mobile homes (one of our neighbors rents his out during hunting season, and someone always “gets lost” on our property- yikes!) Can’t take a walk towards the road, as loose dogs will chase you – so, I meander through the woods. Can’t do that in the city – so many beautiful trees, mushrooms, birds. Mostly, I’m acclimating reluctantly to so much time alone. Well, as they say, “things change”. Julie, Somerville, TN

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